Consistent coaches, recruited through Keeping Children safe in education work, in schools to deliver engaging physical education lessons using the SPIRALPE curriculum.
Providing breakfast, lunch and after school clubs is a great way for schools to increase and improve the range of physical activity opportunities for their pupils.
Support working families by extending the school day and running OFSTED registered wrap around childcare in close partnerships with us. A genuine income generator for schools.
Offering an activity, craft and sports holiday club is a fantastic way to keep children active whilst having fun and making new friends. It’s also a great help for working families.
We believe that children should have an hour of PE with a coach and an hour with their class teacher, so we offer sessions which give your staff the tools and confidence they need.
We’re working with schools and partners across the region to help children unlock their potential by placing sports coaches as mentors to engage, motivate and support them.
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