SPIRALPE™ is an online platform, helping primary schools across the UK identify interventions, track progress and celebrate their successes without increasing their workload.
£1000.00 (for an annual licence)
Data to support PE subject leader
Simple to follow lesson plans to deliver all NC outcomes
Builds teacher confidence
Tracks participation in School sport and physical activity
Comprehensive PE assessments to demonstrate progress
Lessons supported by 250 linked resources and it's own YouTube channel with PE videosey benefits:
Want to support your teachers to deliver outstanding PE lessons? Look no further than SPIRALPE curriculum - it has a very simple navigation system - Pick your week, pick your year group and it gives you a full lesson, with learning objectives, appropriate key words, Can I statement and progressions, it even tells you what equipment you'll need to get out of the PE cupboard.
£600.00 (for an annual licence)
A comprehensive PE curriculum with 272 fully linked lesson plans delivering all the transferable skills in the primary national curriculum within a spiral curriculum framework. SPIRALPE features 36 age appropriate end of year expectations which are used as learning objectives within the lessons and which increase in challenge level year on year to build a comprehensive range of skills and experiences for the children. Each lesson can be adapted to meet the needs of your class as they work through the 5 phases - Warm up; Technical basics; Pressured skill; Competitive skill and Cool down.
Removes the burden of planning from teachers
Meets all the national curriculum criteria
Engaging, proven lesson plans
Simple navigation through the online platform
Supported by YouTube channel with explainer videos for games and drills
A key part of a PE subject leaders role is to collate registers from all the different clubs, fixtures and physical activity sessions which take place outside your PE lessons.
£250.00 (for an annual licence)
The Clubs and Fixtures widget allows you and your team to manage all your School sport and physical activities in one place through an easy to use, highly effective tool. It's linked to your school system so it's really easy to manage all your activities and produce electronic registers in line with GDPR legislation.
Not only does it manage your communication with parents, the Clubs and Fixtures tool will create an great Activity Report which evidences participation pupils in Gender, SEND and PP groups and shows where gaps in provision exist so that you can focus your time and spending resources for maximum impact.
Central resource for anyone delivering activities for a school
Linked to school information system so it’s simple to create accurate GDPR compliant electronic registers
Produces letters for parents and populates a school branded webpage with all relevant information.
Creates full activity map so you can see.
Produces a comprehensive participation data report
It’s now more important than ever to track pupil progress in PE, but we know that teachers haven't traditionally carried out PE assessments and can be reticent, so we've created this simple to use process to make it easy and straightforward to measure progress.
£250.00 (for an annual licence)
You build up a picture of the children in your class over the weeks of PE delivery, then you give each child in your class a score out of 10 in 19 physical skill areas at the end of each term. It takes about 45 minutes per class per term, but produces comprehensive class and individual reports to spot where interventions are needed and to signpost gifted and talented children to the right sporting pathways.
It links to your school management system and can track a pupils progress throughout their primary journey and becasue it's skill based it works with the SPIRALPE curriculum and others.
Key benefits:
Simple to use
Shows progress in 19 skill areas - Assessment FOR learning to advise teaching and interventions
Linked to school SIMS
Produces RAG rated class and individual PE reports
Produces data reports showing average PE progress in class, gender, SEND and PP categories
To place the importance of physical activity at the heart of your school we think you should reward your PE star of the week and PE class of the week for their motivation, teamwork or all round PE excellence with this simple to use rewards and certificate system.
Run the class of the week as you do your attendance competitions and reward the winning class each term or academic year with a PE related trip or prize. Use the Star of the week to build self confidence in children who are giving it their all.
You will receive 40 of each certificate to give out in Reward assemblies and, if you prefer, the system can also print out certificates with the winners names on for you. It’s a simple way to log and track PE attainment.
Simple to use
Linked to school SIMS
Stores and tracks winning PE star and winning PE class
Produces online certificates with names on
Comes with a pack of hard copy certificates
It is really important that you can show that you are supporting your staff to develop their confidence in delivering PE lessons and this simple to use tracker allows teachers to carry out a termly self-assessment in various areas of physical education and set personal attainment targets for the coming term.
£150.00 (for an annual licence)
Use this she PE subject leader and SLT can then help develop plug those skills gaps through focused mentoring and clearly identified CPD training.
Simple to use
Online CPD support
Template lesson plan
Password protected for individual team members
Demonstrates where development is needed across the team.
Simply choose the widgets you need and drop us an email to let us know.
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