Physical education in our school is delivered using the SPIRALPE framework from PE Partner.
SPIRALPE is an online system which helps us teach children fundamental movement skills and develops these throughout their primary journey by increasing the challenge level year on year. The curriculum programme provides a wide range of experiences and focuses on helping all our pupils develop a positive, enduring relationship with physical activity and the skills they need for a healthy, happy and successful life.
Physical education teaches life skills, NOT just sports skills.In fact sportsperson is just one job where you could use your physical skills. It’s reaching; lifting; balancing; stretching; catching; manipulating; it’s working together; it’s giving feedback; it’s leadership; it’s timing; dodging; accuracy; reactions; travelling; generating force; anticipation; speed.
It’s so much more than sport. We believe in helping children to love moving, rather than simply making them move.
As an ACTIVE SCHOOL, physical education is just one aspect of our commitment the health and well being of the children. We look at all aspects of PE, school sports and physical activity and look at all areas of school life where the benefits of physical activity can be harnessed. For more information about the other strands of our ACTIVE SCHOOL plan please get in touch.
We are thrilled to be working with your school to help your pupils have great PE and out of school physical activity experiences.
We have developed SPIRALPE to bring together best practice in primary PE into one system. It's a practical tool kit for schools which is able to change in line with government policy and with modern academic thinking.
It's very much a moving, living collaboration between education professionals and it's helping to improve the Physical Education experiences of thousands of children across the UK.
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