We have created a collection of the questions we get asked all the time, so scroll down and try to find your answer. If you can’t find your answer here, please get in touch on 01133226115 and we’ll try to help.

Who are PE Partner?

We are a company dedicated to providing more positive opportunities for children to take part in physical activities. We’ve been working with schools and community groups for 14 years all across Yorkshire and we are committed to increasing and improving the experiences children have of phuysical activity. Although we are not child care (we are classed as an activities provider) we have had our policies vetted and approved by a number of local authorities, partners in education and the community to ensure that kids are safe and enjoying a positive experience with us.

We are Leeds based but work with clients across the Yorkshire region.

Healthy activity funded places

We are a delivery partner for the Healthy Activity Fund (HAF) clubs in Leeds, but all places must now be booked through their website, which can be found here:

We understand that this is frustrating, but it is beyond our control, so please direct all enquiries regarding Healthy Holiday bookings to the council team. You can contact them through their website. You will need to create an account, add your children and get verified as eligible to receive the funding support, then you may book sessions with all the HAF providers for activities across the city.

Please understand that you may be asked to show your booking confirmation at registration when you drop your children off. Some people have confirmation of a verified account, but are not confirming the sessions they want, so we are having to turn them away as their children are not on our registers. Please double check your booking confirmation shows the sessions you have booked before setting off for HAF club.

How to book and pay for a Holiday or After School Club place

Bookings - Please visit the BOOKING AREA -  BY CLICKING HERE and put the name of the school or the first 3 letters of the school you would like to book in the Event Search box.s.

Booking Issues

Having Trouble with your booking - If you are having any issues making a booking please send an email to  and we will try to sort it out for you within 24 hours. Please note:- If any of the clubs are full, the website will not accept any new bookings on that particular club.

How do the Clubs work?

Once you have booked, simply send your children with the things they need - see below and let them know they will need to go to the school hall at the end of the school day. Our coach will be there with a register (and all the medical and contact information for the children who have been booked on). After the session has ended, please collect them from the school hall. The coaches will sign the children out on collection. Someone needs to collect your child from the hall,  we will not let them leave unless we can see you,unless you have told us that your child can walk home. WE NEED THIS IN WRITING BY EMAIL TO:  this is extremely important.

What times do the clubs run

Holiday clubs are 9am to 3.30pm, but please check the booking confirmation and the Website as the times can vary depending on the venue. After school clubs start 5 minutes after the end of the school day and sessions last for 1- 2 hours depending on the School, please always check the Website and booking confirmation for the sessions times and the dates the sessions are running.

Collecting your children

At the end of each session the children will collect their things and will be taken to a central registration point by the coaches. Unless you have indicated that you child can walk home on their own at the end of the sessions, we need this in writing by email to :-  You will need to go to the registration point and tell the coaches you have arrived before we can let the children go. We do this to ensure the safety of the children.  If you are going to be late or early to collect your children for any reason please do let us know by calling 0113 322 6115. If you are late and we have not had a call from you we will try to call you, then we will call the second emergency contact, please ensure you have an emergency contact added to your account.  In the case of an After School Club session and we cannot contact anyone, we may take your children to the school’s after care club (if they have one) and they may charge you for this. Rest assured we would never leave until all the children have been collected or handed over to a responsible adult with the school staff team. If you are late collecting from a Holiday Club, we will try to contact you, then we will call your emergency contact number, there must be one on your account. If we still cannot contact anyone, the management team swill make a decision regarding the next step. Please note, your child will not be allowed to walk home, or will never be left on their own. It is important you collect your child on time, but we do understand on occasions you may run slightly late, you just need to let us know by calling 0113 322 6115.

Lost Property

PLEASE NOTE - All lost property must be collected at the end of each day. Unfortunately we are unable to store any left items. The coaches will display any items at the end of each day and then also at the end of the week for you to check. Lost items will need to be collected.  We are really sorry we are unable to store/hold any left over items.

What do the children need to bring to the Clubs?

We ask that the children come to our clubs with sensible footwear and clothing for the activity they are doing. This can be something like a PE kit and trainers, comfortable clothing, suitable for sports and play activities.  We do ask parents not to send children in denims. Please send them appropriate clothing for the ever changing weather. On collecting your child they will be in their sportswear if it is an after school club, understandably they don't want to get changed back into their school uniforms  The clubs can often be outdoors, weather permitting.

IF IT IS ONE OF OUR HOLIDAYS CLUBS, IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE - children should also bring a packed lunch, no fizzy drinks please, and a refillable water bottle for each day they attend -   IMPORTANT:- OUR PE Partner CLUBS ARE NOW ALL NUT FREE!!  

(please make sure their names are on their personal items).

Football Sessions

Players must wear shin guards/shin pads during any Football Club sessions. Shin guards must be covered entirely by the socks, so we would also suggest wearing football socks. Correct footwear must be worn for the surface of the pitch. Most sessions are done outside on the playing fields, so football boots would be appropriate for the area the children will be playing on. On the odd occasion due to extreme weather, then the sessions may be delivered indoors therefore trainers would be the appropriate footwear. Players must wear the appropriate clothing dependant on the weather, please provide rain jackets as we will still take the children outside if it is raining or wet.   Please note if your child does not have shin pads and we do not have any spare, unfortunately your child will not be able to take part in the session.

What do Holiday Club days look like

The focus of our clubs is for everyone to have fun and to take part, so we encourage everyone to join in and play lots of different sports, games and activities to get the kids moving and smiling. A typical day at a holiday club would see us all together for a big group warm up after registration, then the day would be filled with packed 1 hour long slots, each focussing on a different sport or game. We have lots of quick water breaks and then we are back to it! We play games like Football, Cricket, Tennis and Basketball, but we are also having treasure hunts, capturing flags and raiding the wizards castle. After lunch we tend to have a some free play with the hula hoops and the bean bags, and then we are right back to it again, with fun games of Scatterball, Dodgeball and Hockey. Don’t worry, if your children are flagging, we always have the lego and some pens, paper and drawing items on hand too to keep our breaks interesting.

PLEASE NOTE - MOBILE PHONES are not allowed during any of our Holiday Clubs or After School Clubs due to safeguarding and safety  reasons.  Mobile phones will need to be handed to the coach at the beginning of the session and collected again at the end of the session.  If refusal to hand over the Mobile Phone when asked, this unfortunately will result in the coach requesting your child be collected to return home. Your child will need a Packed lunch each day, a refillable water bottle and no fizzy drinks please.

What if the numbers are low

Whilst most of our clubs are hugely popular, unfortunately, from time to time, we get a low take up at a particular after school club (for whatever reason). When this happens, we do everything we can to make sure the club still goes ahead and as part of that we reserve the right to change the activity to suit the group we have. For example if we have three children on a football club and four on a sports club booked onto an After School club, we may feel it makes sense to put the groups together to try and make it an enjoyable experience for everyone. It's incredibly rare that we ever cancel clubs, but if the numbers are just too low we may have to. If we ever have just 1 or 2 children attend an After School club, that activity will not take place and the children will be taken to school reception and you will be contacted to let you know. They may then go into the after school provision if you cannot collect them. This is best practice from a safeguarding perspective and the session wouldn’t be much fun with such low numbers. If this happens you will of course be refunded.

This can on rare occasions affect the Holiday Clubs too.  If this happens we will try to offer parents places at an alternative venue, but if that doesn't work for them, we do issue a refund if we cancel a club.

If it is one of our Holiday Clubs, we try to give you at least 48 hours of the cancellation and offer an alternative venue as close as possible, or offer you a refund if any of our other venues are not suitable.

Who are your coaches

All our coaches are qualified in their field and have been recruited in line with Safer recruitment in education. All hold enhanced DBS checks (formerly CRB's). We have a close group of great coaches who are conscientious, friendly, flexible and great with kids.

What about the weather?

As you are aware we are at the mercy of the weather. We do try to keep them outside in the fresh air as much as possible, but we will take them inside iff the weather is too bad, but we would ask you to consider a few suggestions that may enhance their experience of the activities… due to the ever changing and unpredictable weather, please see below:-

They are not essential and we don't want you to feel pressured into buying kit, these are simply suggestions and we're not expecting you to replace perfectly good kit you already have:-

Suitable footwear for grass and astro, depending on the venue. The ones you will need have the small rubber pimples or tiny studs on the bottom - if you go into a sports shop ask specifically for astroturf trainers, they will show you what we mean.

Can I pay with Childcare Vouchers? / Do you have an OFSTED number

Unfortunately not. In terms of OFSTED we are classed as an Activity Provider rather than a Child Care Provider. As such you won't be able to use payment vouchers like Fidellity, Working tax Credits or Universal Credits as payment for our clubs. Rest assured that we have had our

policies checked with OFSTED and we are part of the Breeze Culture Network - a Leeds City Council vetting procedure for partners, but we are not offering OFSTED registered schemes because our activities fall under the OFSTED exemption categories - and identifies our schemes as an Activities provider - as outlined in our full statement – this is available on request by email to

Administering Medicine to my Child

In the event that your child needs medication during their time with our coaches we must be informed first. You will be asked to complete a medicine administration form giving clear instructions and the coach who administers the medicine will complete this form as a record.

What is your policy on behaviour

We do everything we can to make sure that everyone has fun at our sessions, but occasionally children can be mean to one another. We operate a zero tolerance policy and when any instance is witnessed or reported to us, our coaches will speak to the children involved and to the parents of those children. If we are made aware of any issues that have taken place we reserve the right to ask parents to collect their children from our clubs and to ask them not to attend our clubs until we have spoken to the parents and the Management Team to decide the next steps.  On rare occasions, a child can be asked not to attend our clubs in the future. This is always at the discretion of the Management Team and is a last resort.

SEND Support

We are very proud of our record of supporting children with special education needs and disabilities to engage in positive physical activities and we have helped hundreds of SEND children to access our sessions.

It is essential to us that we can properly support children, and that it is always a positive experience. While we make all reasonable adjustments to make sessions inclusive, there are some children who do need an additional team member to support their attendance and this is not always possible. We work hard to secure funding support so that we can give children with 1to1 needs the extra coach,  this isn’t always possible and we will not be able to accommodate complex needs without having the

appropriate funding and the right team members in place. Unfortunately we do not always have the funding to employ, or in some circumstances the availability of a member of the team with the relevant qualifications or experience to support children with complex needs in our settings. We will always discuss a child's individual needs with the family and their school and where possible we will make all reasonable adjustments, but our first priority is in always making sure that all the children who attend our clubs can have a positive experience. Therefore if we feel that a child requires additional support which we are not able to provide adequately to make their experience a positive one, then we are not in a position to accept a booking for the child. To discuss a booking for a child with 1to1 support please in the first instance, email the office. One of the team will be in touch with you to discuss the particular needs of your child.

Refund/Cancellation policy

If you need to cancel a session please get in touch with us and let us know why, we will arrange a refund. We want the kids to love coming to our sessions and we want to give you the best service we can, so please talk to us if you are anything less than 100% happy. Feedback is essential if we are to keep improving! Please contact

Privacy Policy and Data protection

We do not store credit card details nor do we share customer details with any third parties. We may from time to time send you special offers and information about our clubs, but you can opt out of this by hitting unsubscribe on the email, this will remove your name from the mailing list. If you would like to see the full privacy policy and GDPR statement please email your request to

Contact The Team

Non urgent questions/queries - If you want to ask a question or request a call back please call:- 0113 322 6115  or email A member of our team will either give you the information you need, or will ask one of the team to call you back. We aim to give you a call back or drop you an email with an answer within 24 hours, however, we do try to call/email you back as soon as we can.

Urgent questions/queries- If you need to contact members of the team urgently, please call 0113 322 6115 or email on  between 8am and 5pm and the team will help you if they can, or they will make sure a message is sent to the right person, and we aim to call/email you back as soon as possible.


Complaints - please put your complaint in writing by emailing We take all complaints seriously and will investigate all reported incidents.

Policies and Procedures

To request any of our Policies or Procedures, please contact


All customer will need to request a Refund within 7 days, of cancellation, otherwise there will be a credit of the cancellation added back on to your PE PARTNER account to use for any future bookings.

If you have children who already come to our clubs you are not are not just a customer; You are part of a large and growing team of people trying to get more children more active more often, so we’ve created the PE Partner Advocate scheme to help you spread the word about our activities.

It’s really simple;  Recommend our clubs to a friend and give them the code RAF5 so that they can get £5 off their first ever booking with us. Then, tell them to mention you when they make their first booking and we'll add £5 credit to your PE Partner account as a thank you. There is no limit to the number of friends you can recommend us to so we’ll just keep saying thank you (with £5 credit each time!)

All your friends need to do is book online and mention your name in the ‘who recommended us’ box on the booking form and we’ll do the rest.

Don’t just take our word for it…

You can check out what our reviews and see what families just like yours think of us and our clubs - just click on any of the images

Need some help?

If you have still have a question that we haven’t answered you can get in touch with us on or call us on 01133226115


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