We are really proud to be a partner on the Healthy Activity Fund Holiday clubs across Leeds.
Scroll down to find out more about this scheme, including how to book sessions for your children.
This scheme exists to help low income families and children who need a little more help to access holiday club provision.
PE Partner Healthy Activity clubs are designed to give children lots of opportunities to develop a positive relationship with physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. We play lots of games, some sports, have craft activities and we even make smoothies on some days!
On arrival all the children will get a piece of fruit as a breakfast snack, before engaging in a packed day of games, sports, and fun, wrapped around a hot and healthy lunch. All the food is vegetarian and is provided by our partners Catering Leeds. They ask for special dietary requirements on the booking and Catering Leeds publish a list of allergens on their website.
If your child is eligible for a Healthy Holidays meal, but would prefer a packed lunch on certain days, please feel free to send them to the club with one.
We are delivering the Healthy Activities holiday clubs on behalf of the following schools and clusters:
Morley Cluster: Fountain; Morley St Francis; Seven Hills; Asquith; Churwell; Gildersome; Driglinghton; Morley Victoria; Birchfield
Inners East Cluster: Coop Academy Nightingale; Coop Academy Woodlands; Coop Academy Brownhills; Coop Oakwood Academy; St Augustines Primary School; Wykebeck Primary School; St Nicholas Primary; Victoria Primary; St Patricks Primary School; All Saints Primary School; Ebor Gardens Primary School; Shakespeare Primary School; St Peters Primary School
Headingley & Kirkstall partnership: Burley St Matthiaas; Kirkstall St Stephens; Kirkstall Valley; Hawksworth Wood; Springbank; Shire Oak, Westwood
2Gether Cluster: Dixons; Bankside; Bracken Edge; Holy Rosary; Harehills Primary
We are working with a number of partner schools who have received funding support for their pupils from this important national scheme.
If your child is eligible for income related free school meals your child can attend the clubs and to receive a fruit breakfast and a hot lunch.
We want to make our clubs a Universal provision, meaning that every child can attend, so those who have not received a supported place can pay £17 per day per place to book on the clubs. As funding is limited to feeding the children with a supported place, we ask paying parents and families to send their children with a packed lunch.
ALL places must now be booked through the Leeds city council HAF website, which can be found here: https://healthyholidays.leeds.gov.uk
We understand that this is frustrating, but it is beyond our control, so please direct all enquiries regarding Healthy Holiday bookings to the council team. You can contact them through their website. You will need to create an account, add your children and get verified as eligible to receive the funding support, then you may book sessions with all the HAF providers for activities across the city.
Please understand that you may be asked to show your booking confirmation at registration when you drop your children off. Some people have confirmation of a verified account, but are not confirming the sessions they want, so we are having to turn them away as their children are not on our registers. Please double check your booking confirmation shows the sessions you have booked before setting off for HAF club.
This year we are working with 4 clusters (for 36 schools in total) across Leeds to deliver a wide reaching programm.
We are very proud of our record of supporting children with special education needs and disabilities to engage in positive physical activities and we have helped hundreds of SEND children to access our sessions.
It is essential to us that we can properly support children, and that it is always a positive experience. While we make all reasonable adjustments to make sessions inclusive, there are some children who do need an additional team member to support their attendance and this is not always possible. We work hard to secure funding support so that we can give children with 1to1 needs the extra coach, but this isn’t always possible and we will not be able to accommodate complex needs without having the appropriate funding and the right team members in place.
For the HAF holiday clubs we have one supported place per day at each club and is available to a child from the host school only.
The SENCo in the school will choose the child or children they feel will engage, want to be there and will benefit the most from this place. This can be 1 child for 4 days, or 4 children for a day each (or a mix), but places are limited to 1 supported child per day.
It is vitally important that you share some information with PE Partner so that they can support your child appropriately, so please get in touch with us on helpdeskpepartner@outlook.com
If you are hosting a club on behalf of your group, here are the steps. We’ll provide all the letters and information you need and handle any parent enquiries, but we do need a little bit of help getting the word out.
Here’s what we need you to do
STEP 1. Identify any children you think will benefit and might need help booking - if you are booking for these children under a school account, please ensure you put their contact number in the medical information box.
STEP 2. Send out the SUPPORTED PLACE letter to all your free school meal children
PE Partner will handle all parent bookings and enquiries. If anyone asks, please direct them to www.pepartner.co.ukor to call 01133226115
Please note that when schools host a club, that club is open to the children from the consortium group (unless you specifically request that it is limited to your pupils)
Our onsite coaching team will all hold clean DBS checks with PE Partner and have been recruited in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education legislation.
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